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Item1. Present
Charlie, Carrie, Ian, Tom, Dan, Pete, Jo, Tim, Hampo,

Item 2. Committee/Sub-Committee Confirmation

Trustees and Committee Members:

  • Chair-Jeremy Griffiths (Trustee)
  • Treasurer- Dan Hatfield (Trustee)
  • Club Captain- Jo Brown (Trustee)
  • Competition Officer- Ray Taylor (Trustee)
  • Training Officer-Tom Greaves (Trustee)
  • Secretary- Charlie Lawson (Trustee)
  • Safeguarding Officer- Carrie Lawson
  • Lifesaving Officer-Pete Abell
  • Youth Development Officer- Amy Dilks

Sub Committees and additional committee members- lead member in CAPS

  • Website/Social media- Pete, Lawrence Ro and Charlie, CLAIRE
  • Equipment -AMY, Carrie, Jeremy, Hampo
  • Fundraising/Budget- Dan, IAN, Charlie, Tim Walker
  • Planning -Pete/Jeremy, CHARLIE, Tim Walker, Ray, Aaron
  • Training Comm – Jo, TOM, Carrie, Amy
  • Container -Tom , Amy and RAY
  • Safeguarding – CARRIE and Pete, Sarah Mundy

Item 3. Membership
As at 05/02/25 Members 46, Nippers 19, Juniors 4. Renewal numbers have been chased by individuals, but it was agreed there should be a follow-up to see if numbers can be increased. One or two key members have not renewed. Action

Item 4. AGM minutes 04/12/2024; were agreed as true and correct

Item 5. Treasurers Report; bank account healthy with a balance of £16.485

Items 6. & 7. Training Update and Competition Planning (discussed as one item)
Training is progressing well in the pool, with the follow-on first aid session in the village hall a great success. The plan is to try and arrange some more “doubles” over the next two months. The pool is booked until the end of March. It was agreed to keep the cost to members the same for the rest of the season, after which the beach sessions will return. Jo is still keen we arrange a first aid event open to the public, this was supported by all. It was felt that perhaps the best way to start club involvement in competition could be to invite another club to a friendly beach comp. and this could also be used as a money-raising event. Action..agree who responsible?

Item 8. SLS Emails
It was agreed that as members of SLS GB get the general emails directly from SLS GB there was no need for the secretary to email all members all emails from SLS GB.

Item 9. Safeguarding
A call was made that we need more members to get DBS checked to help provide flexible cover. Action Carrie to chase

Item10. Funding Beach Club House
It was agreed that the club should be more proactive about fundraising. It was agreed that we should call for feedback from the members regarding fundraising ideas. Jo suggested a beach event with the support of the Coastguards and perhaps the Lifeboat, this was thought a great idea. Action Committee to arrange a meeting with club members to explain the reasons for funding requirements (match public funding) and to ask individuals for their ideas to be achieved in 2025

Item 11. Club House Layout and Placement

Charlie reported that we now have the surveys instructed in Dec 2024 as a result of the successful funding achieved by Tim Walker . Action. Charlie now to chase Cornwall Planning Group to establish what else is required for the planning application and to get recommendations on the best way forward and then to report to the committee.

Item 12. Donations
Can Carrie please have the names and addresses of anybody making a donation to the club so that we can write and thank them. Action 2: recent donations made and can the committee let Carrie have details.

Item13. Planning
Tim and Ian outlined how there was a grant available that if won could have covered as much as 90% of the clubhouse build costs, unfortunately that fund will not consider any project that does not have planning permission so we are unable to apply. This raises two things, the first is if the members are agreed then we should press on and get planning permission so it is not a barrier to future funding, at the same time we should aim to raise 10% of the money required to build the clubhouse so this would be available should an opportunity to obtain grant funding arise (most grants seem to want matched funding of between 50 and 10%) Action- see above under individual member efforts and Item 11.

Item14. Insurance
Charlie explained the various insurance requirements that are needed and we have in place and all agreed on renewals as they come up. Action- to be added to key dates and also documents to be printed and placed in the container CL/IG.

Item15. Website
It was noted that Claire is planning to do a blog on the site in the near future. Cl confirms that he has emailed Claire re this.

Item16. Village Hall Dates and Times
It was agreed that the first Wednesday of the month at 5.00pm was best for the committee meetings. And the hall be booked on an ad hoc basis for the training evenings. Action CL to be instructed to contact Viv to confirm requirements/times/dates.

Item 17. Key Dates
Could committee members let Charlie know of any local key dates that the club could be involved in, in some capacity things like the Steam Rally, Pram push etc. Action-Committee to notify CL

  • Insurance MPSLSC March/ SLSGB Jan
  • St Mawgan Feast and Boat race
  • Steam Rally
  • Pram Push..Action are Club to enter?
  • Mawgan Porth Lights on
  • Year end accounts. Action-Dan to report re date
  • Club affiliation and members SLSC renewal
  • Kings Award application 2028


Could a wish list be put together of kit wanted by the club, this helps hugely when we are applying for grants.

The Junior section of the Club is up and running, great news!

If the inflatable board is still up for at around £200 it was agreed to buy it as the club can use it

Meeting closed at 18.09

Date of next meeting March 5th 5 pm Village Hall